Sunday, March 27, 2016

Weekly Reflection Report Week #11

Hello everyone,

Welcome to week 11 we are one more week away from completing this course I personally really enjoyed the ride and the course was a lot of fun. Through the course, I have seen my PLE develop in a well-equipped arsenal of tools. But on the matter at hand this week I created my first podcast it was an amazing experience, however, I did find it a bit difficult as narrating something to myself was harder than expected. To overcome this situation I created wore down the items I wanted to address and make a makeshift script this made creating my podcast much easier. I have a new found respect for people who do improve because I tried doing that and it was very difficult.

I used Sound cloud to create my podcast and as I was kind of biased towards it since many of my friends use it for posting their EDM music. But keeping all bias aside I really enjoyed using Sound cloud as it was quite straight forward and as an added bonus I could use my google account to sign in, so I did not have to go through the hassle of creating a new account.

I am not sure if I will be adding sound cloud to my PLE as although I enjoy listening to podcasts I think this one experience is enough for me. And since I will rarely be making podcasts I am not sure how useful it is to add it to my PLE. Maybe I can add a new section to my PLE diagram titled ‘rarely used tools’ (I might just do that).

This week on my Feedly I came across an interesting article “how to: survive on a desert island” (click here). Everyone has seen survivor and thought this seems easy and can easily be replicated or am I the only one? Either way, this article shattered my dreams because it is anything but easy. The article is about the rescue of Alexander Selkirk a man’s whose adventure inspired the story of Robinson cruise. I always use to think once you have your food and shelter figured out you are pretty much set. However, I forgot to take into consideration one the main concerns loneliness. As humans, we are social creatures and thrive off social interactions, living on a deserted island the same loneliness will come to haunt you. I never considered loneliness as a factor but the more I think about it the more I come to grip with the gravity of the situation. That’s all for today folks see you next week



  1. Hello Keval,

    Thank you for the interesting post! I thought your podcast was informative and well executed using Soundcloud -great job! I initially thought of using Soundcloud for my podcast by recording an audio track but ultimately found Voki to be more an interactive tool especially with Avatar creation/customization in my opinion. In addition, I found that writing up a script to organize your thought-process led to a more coherent content being produced. Overall, this is actually my first time creating a podcast which is definitely an exciting experience where I express my thoughts in a presentation format while sharing it online so whenever you have time check it out!

    Thank you.

  2. Hello Keval,

    Thank you for the interesting post! I thought your podcast was informative and well executed using Soundcloud -great job! I initially thought of using Soundcloud for my podcast by recording an audio track but ultimately found Voki to be more an interactive tool especially with Avatar creation/customization in my opinion. In addition, I found that writing up a script to organize your thought-process led to a more coherent content being produced. Overall, this is actually my first time creating a podcast which is definitely an exciting experience where I express my thoughts in a presentation format while sharing it online so whenever you have time check it out!

    Thank you.
